
How to 应用 to Saint Michael's College

Saint Michael's College staff member Vernita Weller, center, speaks with Saint Michael's College students.

We want to get to know you as a person

It is important for us to understand who you are as a full person. In our admission process, we weigh multiple factors in addition to academic achievement—we want to know your goals, 什么对你重要?, and what motivates you to be your best self. 您的应用程序, 个人论文, and letter of recommendation help us learn about your cocurricular activities, individual background and story, and unique characteristics.

申请免费 & 直截了当的

Step 1: Submit your application.

Add Saint 迈克尔的大学 to your 常见的应用程序,完成我们的 圣迈克尔Application,或申请 与苏格兰的联盟. Choose the one that works best for you, there is no application fee to apply to Saint Michael’s.


常见的应用程序  圣迈克尔App 联合应用

Step 2: Submit your official HS Transcripts and Recommendation.

  • 常见的应用程序: When you apply through the 常见的应用程序, your counselor will automatically be notified and asked to submit your official academic transcripts and your recommendation.
  • 圣迈克尔App or 联合应用: When you apply through our 圣迈克尔Application, be sure to update any tools your school uses to support your college search, such as Naviance or Scoir and indicate you have applied. Or you can email your HS Guidance Office and let them know you applied to Saint 迈克尔的大学 and would like them to send your transcripts and a recommendation to us directly by email (admission@noirstyleonline.com),来自Slate.org, or secure fax (802.654.2906).


Applicants wishing to be considered for need based aid must complete the FAFSA. Complete the FAFSA online at www.studentaid.政府. 请使用 FAFSA代码003694 to have it sent to Saint Michael’s.

Saint Michael’s has been test-optional since 2009.

Submission of standardized test scores are not required for application to St. 迈克尔的大学. If you choose to submit scores, you can submit your scores from the SAT 1 (code 3757) or ACT with Writing (code 4312).


Students can choose from two semesters in our undergraduate college to join Saint Michael’s. The Fall semester (August) is the largest enrollment time, but we also welcome new students to join us in January. Choose the start date that works best for you!

  • First Year and Transfers Start in Fall (August). We offer two options for applying. If you are interested in being considered for special scholarships, including the Book Award, you must apply by the 提早行动 deadline.
  • Start in Spring (January). While any student can begin in the spring, we typically see the majority of applications from transfers for this intake. The deadline for a completed application for a January start is 11月1日.


Decision Notification By

Questions about your application?

Applicants can get online support for the 常见的应用程序 through the 申请人帮助中心. If applying through the 联合应用, visit the 常见问题页面 了解更多信息.


If you would like to connect with us, here are a few ways to contact the Office of 入学 so that we can help.

*Free Premium Pass to Sugarbush Ski Resort

滑雪和骑马 Program at Saint Michael's College

今年秋天, students who apply 提早行动 are automatically qualified to receive a free Premium Pass to Sugarbush Ski Resort for their first year enrolled at Saint Michael’s. Sugarbush is a world-class resort that boasts 111 trails, 28个林地, 3个地形公园和2,垂直高度600英尺! For early applicants who have never experienced skiing or snowboarding but have always wanted to give it a try, we will also offer free lessons, which include rentals and a ride to the mountain, to help them get started. St. 迈克的 滑雪和骑马 program encourages students to stay active while exploring Vermont’s natural beauty.

Equipment is not included, but rentals are available for purchase.